Womb Medicine


As a thank you for taking the Womb Cycle Vitality Quiz and being part of the Womb Medicine community, use the code QUIZ30OFF for $30 off any workshop!

Healing Estrogen Dominance 

A workshop to improve estrogen elimination, increase progesterone and get rid of symptoms like PMS, heavy, painful periods and so much more!

 QUIZ30OFF for $30 off 

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Vaginal Microbiome Rehab and Cervical Health 

A workshop to help you create a resilient vaginal microbiome, support cervical wellness and pelvic vitality. Ditch symptoms of yeast infections or BV once and for all!

QUIZ30OFF for $30 off 

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Harmonizing the Womb Heart 

A workshop to support you in integrating the Womb Heart connection through Chinese Medicine and trauma resolution. Heal any emotional stagnation that can cause period problems, cervical dysplasia and more.

QUIZ30OFF for $30 off 

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Restoring Your Fertility and Ovarian Vitality

A workshop and 90 day protocol to tune into your fertile essence, restore ovarian function and get pregnant on your own terms. 

QUIZ30OFF for $30 off 

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Healing PCOS and Ovarian Cysts

A 2+ hour workshop to help you find clarity and confidence in ending pelvic pain associated with ovulation, establish regular cycles and understand how to heal ovarian cysts. 

QUIZ30OFF for $30 off 

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Feel like you need more than just one of these?


No problem, click below to get all 5 workshops for only $344 - yup that’s less than $70 per workshop and more than 40% off the full price of $635 for all 5 workshops. 
Get all 5 workshops for $344 (more than 40% off)