I’m ready

Are you ready to let go of fear and start trusting your body?


Are you ready for a path toward understanding PCOS and ovarian cysts in a hopeful way?


Healing is possible and your body can do it. 

PCOS and ovarian cysts can feel scary, bring up anxiety around how to fix them, and carry the idea that it’s something you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life…

Women who are struggling with pelvic pain and period problems sometimes are not even sure if they have PCOS or ovarian cysts… 

It can feel so confusing. 

Pregnant woman with sun and flowers by belly

Maybe a doctor told them years ago that they have it but they don’t really know what that means.


Testing can be hard to get and clear results are even harder. This often leaves women unsure, and hopeless of how best to heal… 


So, do you fall into this category? Feeling lost and unsure if you have these issues and confusion and fear about what to do next? 


Maybe you’ve been diagnosed but given limited options of how to move forward, or given advice that doesn't align with your lifestyle…  


This can leave so many women feeling defeated, frustrated, and emotionally overwhelmed by what to do. 


If you’re trying to conceive this can all feel even more hopeless…


But just pause and hear this…

You can heal.

And you can do it outside of the medical paradigm. 

Yes, you read that right. 
To truly heal your body you need to… 
holistically address your symptoms at the root level. 

Common symptoms associated with PCOS or ovarian cysts could be:

  • pelvic pain
  • irregular bleeding or spotting
  • menstrual pain
  • long cycles
  • trouble with conception
  • intense premenstrual symptoms like emotional ups and downs
  • breast tenderness
  • bloating, and gas or digestive changes
Mother holding up her baby

And spoiler…

You don’t need a medical doctor, a surgeon, or even medication to heal these!

Hi, I’m Kristin and I’ll be your guide.

I've been working with women through womb and fertility challenges for over 10 years. 

During this decade of work, I’ve been practicing as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and somatic sex educator focused on womb and hormone healing, fertility through postpartum. Through this work, I’ve supported countless women with PCOS and ovarian cysts to establish regular ovulation, decrease pain or irregular bleeding patterns, and get pregnant naturally.

I’m now bringing together the best of what I know - the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, hormone know-how of functional medicine, somatic sex education, and my own lived experience to bring you the Healing PCOS and Ovarian Cysts workshop.

My work in this realm started way back when I had a case study of a woman with PCOS during my master's degree studies. Once I saw how incredible the results were with dietary and lifestyle changes plus Chinese herbal medicine, I wanted to reach more women with this info. It’s brought me to my mission to support 1000 women to heal their hormones and conceive without the help of reproductive technology. 

I understand the complexity of this work and want you to know that your body is not broken and you are not alone.

Hi, I’m Kristin and I’ll be your guide.

I've been working with women through womb and fertility challenges for over 10 years. 

Kristin Hauser of Womb Medicine

During this decade of work, I’ve been practicing as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and somatic sex educator focused on womb and hormone healing, fertility through postpartum. Through this work, I’ve supported countless women with PCOS and ovarian cysts to establish regular ovulation, decrease pain or irregular bleeding patterns, and get pregnant naturally.

I’m now bringing together the best of what I know - the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, hormone know-how of functional medicine, somatic sex education, and my own lived experience to bring you the Healing PCOS and Ovarian Cysts workshop.

My work in this realm started way back when I had a case study of a woman with PCOS during my master's degree studies. Once I saw how incredible the results were with dietary and lifestyle changes plus Chinese herbal medicine, I wanted to reach more women with this info. It’s brought me to my mission to support 1000 women to heal their hormones and conceive without the help of reproductive technology. 

I understand the complexity of this work and want you to know that your body is not broken and you are not alone.

A workshop to help you find clarity, confidence, and actually heal. 

2-Hour Pre-recorded Workshop 

This workshop support can support you if you have or think you have PCOS or ovarian cysts with symptoms such as pelvic pain, irregular periods, trouble with conception, and intense PMS… 


AND helps them clarify what PCOS is,  what causes it, including the different types of PCOS, and why not everyone with PCOS is overweight (common myth!)


In the workshop, you’ll be supported in how to regulate your cycle and your emotions, improve your gut health, optimize your fertility, and increase your overall pelvic wellness. 

I'm ready
Woman nude hands covering breasts

And this is more than just a holistic healing workshop…

Healing your body holistically means adjusting your lifestyle in a way that you are addressing your health from the roots up. This would be nutrition, movement, mental and emotional well-being, as well as herbal or supplemental support. 

But don’t worry, I’m not just going to tell you to go eat healthy and move 30 minutes a day… 

No, we will be going so much deeper. 

Over the years as a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, I’ve developed a unique and detailed 5-step healing protocol specifically for PCOS and ovarian cyst clients. 

PCOS and ovarian cysts are actually one of the most manageable hormone issues that I see in my clinical practice.


What I teach is the Chinese medicine perspective, so you can heal without Clomid or other commonly recommended prescription meds.


Throughout the workshop, I include TCM herbal formulas that I’ve used in my clinical practice to support women to heal from PCOS. 


I’ll teach you how to differentiate which formula is best for you, so you get to become your own healer with my unique 5-step approach…

Womb Medicine 5-step healing protocol:

Understanding the roots of the condition — get out of the lens of pathologizing your body and learn how your hormones actually work. Your body is adaptive and responsive to its environment. When we stop pathologizing, we recover so much agency around our healing potential. This restores your faith and hope in healing.

Nourish your female physiology - learn how to reduce inflammation, improve your gut microbiome and eat in a way that supports the resolution of ovarian cysts and PCOS.

Regulate your blood sugar, sleep and nervous system — healing PCOS requires that you go deep into all of these! The nervous system regulates hormone production and your body will prioritize making stress hormones over sex hormones every day if these aren’t tended to. Learn all about the ovaries, their sensitivity to insulin (what is that anyways?), and what you can do about it!

Liberate yourself from Liver Qi Stagnation - Learn how to love your liver both by eliminating endocrine disrupting chemicals but also understanding the Chinese Medicine take on Liver Qi stagnation, how it contributes to cyst formation and what you can do to heal!

Integrate your Womb Heart axis - this is where we get into the psycho-emotional roots of ovarian cysts as well as further understanding how the brain and ovaries are connected - and how that gets off balance with PCOS or ovarian cysts. Any accumulation of fluid or blood (like a cyst) contains some emotional charge or undigested material. Here you have an opportunity to meet yourself in a deeper way and integrate past experiences to resolve current cysts.

What you’ll get: 

  • Recording of a live 2+ hour workshop with Q/A
  • Clarity around what PCOS actually is as well as the different types of cysts and accumulations that can happen
  • Understanding the root cause of PCOS according to Chinese medicine, including what your tongue can tell you about your type of PCOS and how to address any “stagnation” or “dampness”
  • The 5-step process for healing and what to really focus on for healing PCOS and ovarian cysts (see above for steps)
  • Discussion around hormone testing for PCOS and what to look out for
  • Clarity for how to move towards conception with PCOS or ovarian cysts
  • Specific herbal and supplement recommendations as well as discounts on both
  • Lifetime access to workshop materials
  • Bonus: Breaking up with endocrine disruptors PDF guide
  • Bonus: Vaginal Mapping Practice for Nervous System Regulation 25-minute audio practice
  • Bonus: Fertility Awareness PDF guide  
I’m in!
Woman in red flowers

You’d invest $225 for a 1:1 virtual session with me… 


I’ve created this Workshop with my 10+ years of experience supporting women through PCOS, Ovarian cysts, and similar issues because I know how vital it is to get this information out there. 


All the information in this workshop are the starting blocks to healing. 



Valued at $500

Get the workshop today for $127!

I'm Ready

After this workshop’s information you will… 

  • Say goodbye to unsureness and anxiety as you’ll find confidence in the next best action steps specifically for your body 
  • Feel less fear and more clarity around what PCOS is and what it isn’t
  • Have ease and understanding around  how ovulation works and what the ovaries need to thrive, restore regular, pain-free periods, and conceive easily if desired
  • Find relief in knowing that healing is possible as you’ll be seeing it in your body every day! 

What past clients have said…


“Kristin and the treatment, attention, and care she gives has been incredible. I began seeing her earlier this year for hormonal balance after struggling with horrible night sweats, extra long cycles, and noticeable PMS. My night sweats are now gone, my cycles have decreased consistently by about a week, and the PMS has lessened. This was HUGE for me as I've seen many doctors (both western and eastern) over the years and haven't had these results!”

- Cortney 




“After 10 years of trying to find a doctor to help me I kind of had lost hope. I have been working with Kristin for quite a while now. I first came to her on three medications and found no cure in sight that would work for my PCOS. Kristin took the time to listen to me and hear me say I would eat better and workout more for months, she started treatment and little by little positive changes started to happen. She was patient and kind with helping me to find what would work for me. With supplements, acupuncture and her knowledge of women's health, I have to say she knows what she is doing! I am 35 pounds down and off my medications and doing everything the natural way. Her support has been amazing and I would recommend her for any women's health issues and beyond.” 

- C.H.


Click the button below and immediately after you place your order you will receive an email with login details.


After you log in you’ll see your three bonus offerings Breaking up with endocrine disruptors PDF guide, Vaginal Mapping Practice for Nervous System Regulation 25-minute audio practice, and your Fertility Awareness PDF guide 

“After nearly 3 years of trying to regain my period, which went missing completely after coming off birth control, I couldn't have been more blessed to find Kristin. My husband and I both desperately wanted to conceive, and through the course of my fertility journey I met with countless doctors and specialists in which not one could help me to understand what was happening with my cycle and how I could work naturally to heal it. No one I met with ever made me feel so heard, validated and like such a priority as Kristin did- after meeting her it was the first time I felt such strong hope again. Her understanding and knowledge when it comes to fertility, hormones and the body is truly unparalleled. Her approach to healing my cycle and getting me back on track started with looking at all possible root causes, and creating a custom treatment plan tailored specific to me and my symptoms. Kristin asked questions no one else had thought of, and was even super committed to helping my husband improve his fertility as well. After just one month of following all of her suggestions and supplementing with her custom herbal formula blend I ovulated, and two weeks later discovered I am pregnant. I truly cannot express how grateful I am for Kristin and all of her guidance. Working with her truly has been such an amazing experience and I couldn't recommend Kristin enough to anyone who needs help and guidance healing their hormones and fertility.”

- Caroline

As a reminder here is everything you get when you order today…

  • Recording of a live 2+ hour workshop with Q/A

  • Clarity around what PCOS actually is as well as the different types of cysts and accumulations that can happen

  • Understanding the root cause of PCOS according to Chinese medicine, including what your tongue can tell you about your type of PCOS and how to address any “stagnation” or “dampness”

  • The 5-step process for healing and what to really focus on for healing PCOS and ovarian cysts (see above for steps)

  • Discussion around hormone testing for PCOS and what to look out for

  • Clarity for how to move towards conception with PCOS or ovarian cysts

  • Specific herbal and supplement recommendations as well as discounts on both

  • Lifetime access to workshop materials

  • Bonus: Breaking up with endocrine disruptors PDF guide

  • Bonus: Vaginal Mapping Practice for Nervous System Regulation 25-minute audio practice

  • Bonus: Fertility Awareness PDF guide  

You can heal.

I am ready.

 There are infinite healing possibilities, if this one is for you, you'll feel it.   

Kristin Hauser