Premenstrual Pain to Power:

Alchemizing the Autumn Season of Your Cycle

Radically heal your premenstrual challenges and unlock the power of your inner sorceress 


Join the Workshop

✧Are you tired of dreading the week (or more) before your period?


✧Are your premenstrual mood fluctuations impacting your relationships?


If you feel like PMS or PMDD is ruining half of your month, this is for you.

It’s time to reclaim the power of your premenstrual time and tap into the current of your inner wild woman so your female physiology can thrive!


There is no need to misunderstand and demonize your premenstrual time any longer! It's time to enjoy, and even look forward to this time of going inward. 

Premenstrual Syndrome is defined as a “medical condition” that includes an array of potential physical and emotional symptoms in the week or more leading up to your period.

PMS for short has become a term that is culturally synonymous with hormonal, and even moody or bitchy.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder is a more severe form of PMS that impacts your capacity to show up in daily life. 

Women, it is true that we do not feel the same every day of our cycles.


We can expect some changes depending on what phase of our cycle we’re in.


Yet, these changes should not disrupt our day-to-day lives.


PMS is part cultural, part physiological and always a call home to our power. 

This 2-hour workshop is for you if you struggle with any of the following in the premenstrual time:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Fatigue
  • Bloating or digestive changes
  • Breast tenderness
  • Insomnia or sleep disturbances 
  • Mental fog 
  • Abdominal pain or menstrual-like cramping
  • Rage or anger 
  • Irritation, agitation and frustration 
  • Depression or sadness
  • Instability in your personal relationships
  • Questioning major decisions in your life
  • Low self-confidence 
  • An increase in self-criticism 
You don’t have to tolerate these symptoms anymore!

"Kristin’s work is exactly what this world needs. Women’s body literarcy, understanding our female hormonal health, and reclaiming our pleasure and power is what will create a world where women feel empowered and full."

-  Clara Wisner

Your hormones are not a problem to be solved.
Your cycle doesn’t have to feel like a burden.
No, hormonal contraceptives, aka shutting down your female physiology, are not the answer. 


You’re here because you’re ready for a deeper, more nuanced look at female pain and emotions. Premenstrual symptoms are messengers calling you to dive deeper into your body and soul.


Are you ready to truly understand the power of this season of your cycle instead of constantly dismissing yourself as hormonal? 

Let's Do This!

Meet Your Guides


Kristin Hauser and Nancy Lucina are the founders of The Blood Mysteries School: Sacred Seasons of a Woman, a 4 month-deep dive into the menstrual cycle that blends the sacred and the science of female physiology.

Together they have over 25 years of experience supporting women through the rites of passage of womanhood including menarche, menstruation, birth, postpartum, and menopause. 


Hi, I’m Kristin Hauser. I support women to come home to their bodies as a place of power and freedom. For over 10 years, I’ve been practicing as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and somatic sex educator focused on womb and hormone healing, fertility through postpartum. 


I’m bringing together the best of what I know to help you heal your PMS once and for all. This includes the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine, hormone know-how of functional medicine, somatic sex education, and my own lived experience of supporting many women through complex hormone challenges. 


I understand the complexity of this work and want you to know that your body is not broken and you are not alone. 


Hi, I’m Nancy Lucina. I’m a women’s coach and circle leader, shamanic facilitator, sacred sound therapist, postpartum care provider, and mother of 3. 


I am a ceremonial leader in my community and teach women and coming-of-age girls about the power of their cycles. I use my gifts of voice, sound, sensitivity, and connection to spirit to guide women from all around the world to awaken their ancient deep feminine wisdom, embody the Wise Woman within and live in truth and power.

We want you to know… you are not alone!


So many women are struggling during the premenstrual time. And…

there are solutions.

It’s not normal to feel thrown off your center during this phase of the cycle.

You can absolutely alchemize your pain into power and feel ease, self-compassion and even an increase in energy during your premenstrual time. 

 The luteal phase is one of the most misunderstood parts of the menstrual cycle, on so many levels. 

We have a secret to share with you…

You’re not just hormonal. You’re powerful. Your hormones are responsive and can find a new equilibrium. We’re here to show you how.

Join Us!

There is an often forgotten archetype, the Sorceress, who lives within you.

She is who powerfully shows up during the luteal phase. She’s the wild woman that can’t be tamed. Yet, you can learn the tools for working with her and harnessing her energy in a way where you won’t feel run over by her, but instead in your power with her. 


Maybe there’s nothing *wrong* with you.

Maybe your inner Sorceress is just waiting for you to pay attention to her, to heed her messages and to jump into the cauldron of powerful transformation. 

During this workshop we combine the allying of this forgotten archetype with the tried and true practices of herbal medicine, Chinese medicine, ancestral nutrition and somatic practices to give you a toolkit so rich that painful PMS will be a thing of the past.  

I’m ready to heal

During our 2 hour workshop plus live Q/A you will:


✔ Understand the basics of the medicine wheel within and how it can orient you to the wisdom of your cycle

✔ Learn about the hormonal matrix of the luteal phase and how to support estrogen elimination, progesterone production and why you need to do this to heal PMS or PMDD

✔ Learn exactly why your difficult emotions always pop up during this phase of your cycle and what you can do about it

✔ Explore the depth of the power of your inner Sorceress and understand exactly how to harness her unique medicine 

✔ Gain practical and embodied tools to feel better before your flow

✔ Experience community and like-minded support from other women going through it with PMS

✔ Step into the power of your female physiology


Are you ready to join us? It’s time to reclaim the power of the premenstrual time and the energy of the Sorceress.

I'm in

Remember this workshop is for you if:

  • You suffer from PMS or PMDD and are ready to find relief


  • You feel afraid of the strong emotions that you feel during your luteal phase  


  • You’re curious about the archetypal nature of your cycle 


  • You work with women and want to learn more ways to support them


  • You’re done wondering if PMS or PMDD is about to ruin your relationships


  • You feel like you’ve “tried it all” and things still aren’t improving for you in the premenstrual time

You will come out knowing exactly what you need to do to heal in a sustainable way that supports your hormones and creates a deep connection to your inner Wild Woman. It’s time to claim the wisdom of female physiology and stop tolerating premenstrual pain!


You deserve to feel good in your body throughout your cycle.


✧✧Of course we have some amazing bonuses for you to make this a value packed investment in your vitality!✧✧

Additional Bonuses! 

Bonus #1: A guide to help you decrease exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in your environment, which is an essential part of claiming hormonal resilience and eliminating PMS or PMDD.
Bonus #2: “Meeting your Inner Sorceress” guided meditation

This powerful meditation will guide you deeper into your inner “sorceress” energy and the energy of the corresponding element, water. It will help you to see yourself more clearly,  transmute difficult emotions, and expand into your innate power. It is professionally recorded with background music that influences your brain wave states so that you drop deeper into alpha or even theta waves.

Yes I need this!

"THANK YOU! I wanted to watch the workshop so I could put these into context. The workshop was fabulous - the information was really clear and actionable - I appreciated that you gave so much education on why to do certain things. You also delivered it in a very calm way which my nervous system appreciated!"


- Lindsey


"Nancy and Kristin are perfectly balanced teachers who weave ceremony and science, making ancient tradition accessible to our modern lives."

- Kate Zwigard

"WOW that workshop was amazing. I feel very empowered and happy that I chose to sign up. Everything we addressed was relevant and SO worth the time and money. In other workshops I've attended in the past, the information was too general and didn't feel like enough to get me to buy in, but I came away from Kristin's seminar with so much positive energy and hope because she offered tangible solutions. I also felt as if I was no longer so alone in my health struggles."

- Jiana (Womb Medicine Workshop)


As a reminder here is everything you get when you sign up:

✧ 2+ hour class and pre-recorded Q/A 
✧ Clarity and conversation around the hormonal and psychospiritual causes of PMS or PMDD
✧ A deep dive into liver and gut health for supporting estrogen elimination and why that’s essential for decreasing PMS
✧ Supplement and herbal recommendations for specific premenstrual issues
✧ Understanding the role that nutrition and nourishment plays for resolving PMS or PMDD
✧ Chinese Medicine understanding of PMS
✧ Discussion around the basics of the medicine wheel within and how it can orient you to the wisdom of your cycle
✧ Tools to work with your difficult emotions that pop up during the premenstrual phase of your cycle
✧ You'll have lifetime access with downloadable materials 
✧ BONUS Practices for embodying the unique medicine of the Sorceress
✧ BONUS PDF guide for eliminating endocrine disruptors


$147 for workshop, Q&A, and both bonuses!

I'm Ready

 There are infinite healing possibilities, if this one is for you, you'll feel it.  Â