Your root issue is Qi Stagnation

Woman that is stressed looking at computer

Your root cause pattern is Qi stagnation, which is a very common issue due to our disconnection from the natural world and rhythms of nature, as well as being exposed to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment! Qi stagnation has many additional causes, like emotional stagnation, lifestyle and diet and most of all STRESS. Regardless, it’s important to recognize that you can support your body to move Qi and transform any stagnation. 

Qi stagnation creates pain and discomfort, so you might be dealing with menstrual cramping, pelvic pain, body pain, irritability, tension headaches or premenstrual symptoms. Sexually, your libido may disappear when stress is heightened or alternatively, you may use sex as a way to discharge stress. Either is normal! Stagnation also causes Blood to not flow as smoothly, which can result in clots during menstrual flow or cause your blood to be dark red or brown. 

It’s time to support your Liver (capital L for East Asian Med) to clear stress and stagnation! The Liver in East Asian Medicine directs the flow of Qi in the entire body and plays a very important role in period and womb health. From a biomedicine perspective the liver (small l for biomedicine) supports estrogen detoxification, which is also essential for managing Qi stagnation symptoms and creating hormonal resilience. 

You likely have a robust constitution. Yet, longstanding Qi stagnation generates heat (inflammation) and can lead to more complicated womb, sexual or pelvic health issues, so I’m glad you’re here to start to make some changes at the root level.

Some potential problems that can be associated with Qi stagnation: 

  • Menstrual pain
  • Menstrual migraines
  • PCOS
  • Endometriosis
  • PMS (breast tenderness, fatigue, irritability, cravings, bloating, pain)
  • Ovulation pain
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Clotted menstrual blood
  • Infertility
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Estrogen dominance (an imbalance in the relationship between estrogen and progesterone)
  • Fibroids
  • Vulvodynia 
  • Cervical dysplasia


The top 3 recommendations for you to clear stagnation from your system: 


1. Get moving! Be sure you’re moving your body in an appropriate and enjoyable way. How do you like to move? Is it taking a long walk in nature, taking a class, lifting weights, swimming? Whatever it is, please prioritize moving in alignment with your energy levels daily. It’s so important for the Liver. Bonus if you can move your body in nature with lots of greens and browns in view.

2. Eat your greens. Including fresh greens like dandelion leaf, arugula, cilantro, spinach, kale and the like can support estrogen detoxification and move Liver Qi in the body. It also supports the building of Blood. For best nutrient density and absorption, pair greens with animal fat, like lard or butter.  If you’re looking for more support around healing your hormones through nutrient dense food, check out Womb Medicine’s self paced course: Digestive Reset for Hormonal Resilience.

3. Try vaginal steaming, as long as you’re not pregnant of course! You can start on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Vaginal steaming is great at gently removing stagnation in the Womb. Read all about Vaginal Steaming here to get started. Plus, the Womb Medicine Shop has the perfect blend for you, Cramps be gone! is the formula for Liver Qi Stagnation.


If you’re able to implement a few of these changes and stick with it for 2-3 months, I think you’ll see some significant changes and be more rooted in your womb cycle vitality, hormonal resilience and sexual expression. Qi stagnation is very common but it’s not normal! Move your Qi to heal your hormones and revitalize your womb.

Kristin Hauser

Hi there, I’m Kristin Hauser, Womb Medicine founder, acupuncturist, somatic sex educator and herbalist. I have a long history of studying yoga, birth and hormonal physiology. I’m also a nature-loving mama of three wild littles and I’m so glad you’ve found your way here! 

I help women heal at the root level and find agency and nourishment when it comes to their womb cycle vitality and hormonal resilience, fertility through postpartum. I see the menstrual cycle as the foundation for reclaiming your health and intuitive prowess, as well as freeing yourself from sexual shame and discovering your authentic sexual expression.

My work weaves East Asian Medicine, embodied healing and hormonal intelligence to honor your unique bio individuality, heal at the root level and access more pleasure and freedom. I care about giving you solutions that work efficiently and also inspire radical cultural change!

I started this journey many years ago after realizing that allopathic gynecological care wasn’t addressing my very real problems. It has led me to claiming body autonomy, (free)birthing in power, transforming sexual shame and healing my relationship to all things YIN (Feminine). 


I know you can have this too. Just take that first step back to yourself! Be sure to implement the recommendations from above and if you need additional support. If you need additional support check out the womb medicine workshops for $30 off. It's my special thank you for taking the quiz.

I’ll share more with you about that soon! Be sure my emails don’t get lost in spam and you’ll receive more embodied wisdom and practical inspiration to support your journey. Trust whatever that next step is for you! Your body knows the way. 

Read more about other patterns:

Blood Deficiency 

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Yin Deficiency

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Qi and Yang deficiency

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