Womb Medicine is a community of intelligent embodied women and practitioners who hold a deep reverence for the body and a commitment to change the cultural landscape to honor female physiology.


We care about ancestral nutrition, honoring our cycles, the sacred and mundane of hormones, mother wisdom, nervous system resilience, radical responsibility and soul maturation. 

Here you’ll find education, inspiration and one-on-one support for: 

  • Menstrual health 
  • Fertility
  • Sexual wholeness
  • Sovereignty in birth and mothering
  • Postpartum care
  • Neuroendocrine resilience
Our values are centered around the interplay of Yin and Yang 


Yin is fluid and dark. It’s dense and slow. It’s receptive and soft.
  • Embodiment - the act of taking up full residence and presence in your body vessel and allowing your essence to be expressed through the body. 
  • Pleasure - a felt sense of enjoyment, ease, happiness or satisfaction. Embodied presence.
  • Nature - the innate or essential qualities and physiology of being human or existing as a live being on earth. Also, the animating force for life on earth. 
  • Mothering - to look after our children, ourselves and our earth kindly and protectively.


Yin is fluid and dark. It’s dense and slow. It’s receptive and soft.
  • Embodiment - the act of taking up full residence and presence in your body vessel and allowing your essence to be expressed through the body. 
  • Pleasure - a felt sense of enjoyment, ease, happiness or satisfaction. Embodied presence.
  • Nature - the innate or essential qualities and physiology of being human or existing as a live being on earth. Also, the animating force for life on earth. 
  • Mothering - to look after our children, ourselves and our earth kindly and protectively.


Yang is bright and airy. It’s diffuse and quick-moving. It’s penetrating and sharp.
  • Autonomy - freedom from external influence, rooted in body literacy and ownership. Present moment awareness and integrity. 
  • Discernment - the ability to know in the body and the mind what is “right” for you. Clear vision and insight. 
  • Community - a shared understanding of interdependence and a shared vision for the future. The capacity to feel attuned to the whole.
  • Collaboration - to be in co-creation with others. To be able to work with others for the good of all beings.
Hi there, I’m Kristin, Womb Medicine founder and mother of 4.


I’m an acupuncturist, herbalist and somatic sex educator with a background in birth work and yoga. I was initiated into this work through my own hormone challenges and debilitating menstrual pain. It was through my process of finding solutions outside the medical paradigm that I truly understood the power of partnering with my body instead of seeing it as a problem.

This allowed me not only to heal physically but also step into a transformational journey on all levels. I’m interested in bringing you along with me!

Womb Medicine, which I started in 2015, was truly a soul calling for me. My hope is that it inspires you to claim wholeness and vitality for yourself and your family. 

Your womb is a sacred portal to your soul essence. Your body has answers that I don’t have.

My teachings come from a place of both knowledge from rigorous study and embodied wisdom from personal and professional experience. If you stick around, which I hope you will, you’ll see that I’m not interested in maintaining the status quo or participating in mainstream healthcare narratives that tell women they are broken, infertile or otherwise not enough. 

I want to support you in becoming your own authority when it comes to your health and vitality on all levels — physical, emotional, spiritual, relational and sexual. Womb Medicine offerings center around being in service to your agency, nourishment and healing.

I’m so glad you’re here!

You can read more about my professional and personal background here.

Interested in working with me one on one? Find information here.


Featured Talks - Podcasts and Other Media

The Rooted Woman Podcast
The Hormone P.U.Z.Z.L.E Podcast
The Free Birth Society Podcast
Womb Wisdom
Mother talks with Rachel Alaia
The Womb Room Podcast
The Crunchy Mom Club Podcast

Are you ready to heal at the root level and remember that power, pleasure and freedom are yours to have? 

Join the Womb Tending Weekly for your weekly dose of agency, nourishment and healing. Full of embodied wisdom and practical inspiration for womb cycle vitality, hormonal resilience and sexual awakening.